The fdsnws-station web service returns station metadata in FDSN StationXML format (schema here) or as delimited text. Results are available at multiple levels of granularity: network, station, channel and response.

Metadata may be selected based on channel descriptors, time ranges, geographic regions, and more.

This service is an implementation of the FDSN web service specification version 1.1.

Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.

Query Usage

/query? [channel-options] [geographic-constraints] [time-constraints] [misc-parameters] [nodata=404]


channel-options         ::  [network=<network>] [station=< station>] [location=<location>] [channel=<channel>]
geographic-constraints  ::  [boundaries-rect] OR [boundaries-circular]
boundaries-rect         ::  [minlatitude=<degrees>][maxlatitude=< degrees>] [minlongitude=<degrees>] [maxlongitude=<degrees>]
boundaries-circular     ::  [latitude=<latitude>&longitude=< longitude>&maxradius=<degrees>] [minradius=<degrees>]
time-constraints        ::  [starttime=<date>] [endtime=< date>] [startbefore=<date>] [startafter=<date>]
                            [endbefore=<date>] [endafter=< date>]
misc-parameters         ::  [level=< station|network|channel|response>] [format=<xml|text>]

Each parameter-value pair should be separated by an ampersand &, and with no space.

Each parameter listed under channel-options can be prefixed with a “-” (minus) sign to exclude certain metadata from a request.

Query POST Usage

Alternately, instead of providing parameter-value pairs in the URL, a file containing a selection list can be POSTed to this service.

level=<network | station | channel | response>
format=<xml | text>
<network> <station> <location> <channel> <starttime> <endtime>

The parameters network, station, location, channel, starttime, and endtime are included in the repeated lines for the selection file. Wildcards are acceptable for network, station, location, and channel. A simple * wildcard expression is valid for starttime and endtime, but expressions that include ? are not.

The parameters startbefore, startafter, endbefore, and endafter are NOT supported in POST. All other valid parameter-value pairs for GET queries are also valid for POST queries.

Parameter-value pairs should be listed at the top of the file and are entirely optional.

For additional details, including an example selection file, visit the Help section for this service.

Sample Queries

Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter

parameter examples discussion default type
FDSN options
start[time] 2001-12-19 Limit to metadata describing channels operating on or after the specified start time. any day/time
end[time] 2012-12-31 Limit to metadata describing channels operating on or before the specified end time. any day/time
startbefore 2001-12-31 Limit to metadata epochs starting before specified time. Applied to channel epochs. any day/time
startafter 2005-12-31 Limit to metadata epochs starting after specified time. Applied to channel epochs. any day/time
endbefore 2005-12-31 Limit to metadata epochs ending before specified time. Applied to channel epochs. any day/time
endafter 2005-12-31 Limit to metadata epochs ending after specified time. Applied to channel epochs. any day/time
Empty/No parameters submitting an empty query (e.g. .../query?) will return ALL stations at the default level.
net[work] IU Select one or more network codes. Can be SEED codes or data center defined codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. Accepts exclusions. any string
sta[tion] ANMO Select one or more SEED station codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. Accepts exclusions. any string
loc[ation] 00 Select one or more SEED location identifier. Use -- for “Blank” location IDs (ID’s containing 2 spaces). Accepts wildcards and lists. Accepts exclusions. any string
cha[nnel] BH1 Select one or more SEED channel codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. Accepts exclusions. any string
minlat[itude] 15.5 Southern boundary. -90° degrees
maxlat[itude] 25.0 Northern boundary. 90° degrees
minlon[gitude] -170.0 Western boundary. -180° degrees
maxlon[gitude] 170.0 Eastern boundary. 180° degrees
lat[itude] 35 Specify the central latitude point1. degrees
lon[gitude] 170 Specify the central longitude point1. degrees
maxradius 20 Specify maximum distance from the geographic point defined by latitude and longitude1. degrees
minradius 19 Specify minimum distance from the geographic point defined by latitude and longitude1. 0 degrees
level channel Specify level of detail using network, station, channel,or response. station level
format text Specify output format. Valid formats include xml and text. xml format
nodata 404 Specify which HTTP status code is returned when no data is found.2 204 204 or 404

1 latitude, longitude, maxradius and minradius work together to define a radial boundary.

2 By default, the service returns a HTTP response code 204, which means the request was successful, but no data (no content) was retrieved. However, because there was no “error”, no error message is generated and it may appear that the browser did nothing. To force an empty query response to display an error message, add nodata=404 to the URL.

Output Format

Output may be text or xml. If format=xml or format is not specified, then the results will be returned in FDSN StationXML format. When format=text, then a simple | separated table is returned. Note, format=text is not available for level=response


Level specifies the level of detail returned within the returned XML.


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service:


Date and Time Formats

Year, Month, Day in Month — Time:

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123

YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 a time of 00:00:00 is assumed


YYYY	:: four-digit year
MM	:: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD	:: two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
T	:: date-time separator
hh	:: two digits of hour (00 through 23) (AM/PM NOT allowed)
mm	:: two digits of minute (00 through 59)
ss	:: two digits of second (00 through 59)
ssssss	:: one to six digits representing decimal fractions of a second, down to microseconds


A single dash ‘-’ may be prefixed to a single element to designate exclusion of that element from a selected set. The following example would remove all BHZ channels along with all 00 and 10 locations: channel=B*,-BHZ&location=-00,-10

Wildcards and Lists

The question mark ? represents any single character (exactly one), while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters.

Multiple items may also be retrieved using a comma separated list. Wildcards may be included in the list. For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ,BHE

Information collected on this page are based on Jane - Document Database for Seismology.